One Step At a Time

The atmosphere was serene when I asked her, Mother, how long will it take to get to the top?

Mother: One step at a time

I turned to the direction of the clock, But the clock keeps ticking; “Tick tock, Tick tock”

Mother: One step at a time, my dear.

But it’s 12, o’clock says the clock! What time do I have left to take that step to the top?

Take it, one step at a time, mother said. This time she said it slowly and calmly with a smile on her face.

Mother left, leaving me with the clock.

I stared at it and said. "Tell me the time to take one step".



Onyinyechukwu Stephanie Ogbo

Onyinyechukwu is a writer who was gifted an Orange world to write in. She became quieter when she picked up the pen. Quiet is how she writes to feed your mind.