The saying “some talks are better left unsaid” is true in this case.
But I have decided to say this for the world to hear me.
Here is my story.
I have been married for 12 years with two kids I do not know existed.
Insane right? Yes, I do not know where my kids are nor do I know the man I married.
I was told I got married in a big shrine(church)with my parents present.
I still wonder how possible it is, not to remember a thing.
The tall light skinned dimple face doctor said I was involved in an accident on my way to the village.
With me in the car, My beloved unseen husband and beautiful invisible, unimaginable children.
I lost my memory. The memory of everything. I do not remember who I am.
I can not trace anyone who knows my history. No one knows me.
I have gone to the immigration office to check my identity. But nothing was found.
How the doctor knew about my lost family is what I have wondered.
Did we get lost in Jupiter?
Now, you also can’t understand.
This the reason I used the first quote.
I am not insane. I am just a lost being in a strange land.